They please themselves in all that they do

Feeding their greed as the world they pursue

They may play lip service or call on HIS name

But it’s with the world they play “the game”

They don’t sit at the feet of the Father of all

They don’t hear HIS voice or answer HIS call

They chase success and all that that means

They want to be “kings” and they want to be “queens”

Filled with their own importance you’ll see

Instead of worshipping on bended knee

Surrendered to the ONE who did it all

Who reversed the “curse”

Who turned around the “fall”

Who sits with Father at HIS right hand

HE did it all do you understand?

Are you willing to COMPLETELY surrender

And go to the Lord on knees that are bended?

Are you willing to give up the ways of the world

To become HIS jewel HIS precious pearl?

Do you see the world and all they do

All that breaks HIS heart do you?

It’s all about money and pleasing SELF

Where is Jesus?..He sits on the shelf

Never allowing Him in and being reborn

Never hearing HIS name their lives being torn

Their homes not filled with the Spirit of God

Where is HE? Have they heard but forgot?

We need to surrender to let HIM in

So that others may see HE dwells within

But some please THEMSELVES in all they do

They dance satans tune and the world they persue...